Terms and Conditions

We advise that all activities do carry a degree of risk and that by participating in the activities provided by the Operator (Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd) you are expressly assuming those risks personally and are, to the maximum extent permitted by law, releasing the Tuatapere Hump Track Charitable Trust, Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd, its officers and employees from any liability, claims, losses, damages or expenses caused by any event, or weather conditions including, but not limited to: Personal injury or death, property loss or damage, acts which may be construed as negligent or accidental, any other loss, damage, suffering, emotional or nervous disorder.

In participating in any of the activities provided by Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd (the Operator), I the client, agree to and consent to, the conditions set out above and below.

  1. I agree that my successors, executors, administrators and next of kin are bound by the terms and conditions.
  2. I agree not to commence any litigation or proceedings in any country in relation to the risks and perils set out above and to indemnify the Operator against any such claims.
  3. I agree to complete a "customer declaration" form for each participant prior to departure.
  4. I confirm that I am physically fit and suffer no medical conditions, which may be aggravated by this activity.
  5. I consent to receive medical treatment in the case of injury, accident or illness during the activity and to indemnify the Operator against any claims in respect of this treatment.
  6. I agree that any films, sound, video or other recordings taken of or during the activity will not be used in any promotion or advertising without the prior consent of the Operator, however the Operator may use such recordings and photos itself at its complete discretion without any prior approval.
  7. I agree to listen to my driver/guide/host/staff member, follow their instructions and make sure any children in my care do the same.
  8. If I am booking for myself and others as a group, I am also deemed to be acting on behalf and for said others. I agree I am not acting as a commercial agent, operator or guide.

The Operator and their staff reserve the right to make any alterations to the itinerary in the interests of safety, comfort or any unforeseen circumstances due to causes such as weather, illness, or misadventure. Every reasonable endeavour will be made to keep to schedules but no guarantee is given. The Operator will not be held liable for costs incurred by change, delay or the missing of connecting services.
The Operator reserves the right to exclude a person at any time, if in the opinion of the management or staff, that person may be likely to risk the health, safety or comfort (including unsociable behaviour) of other clients, him or herself or the environment. In such circumstances the Operator will not be obliged to offer any refund and any transport fees will be at the cost of the client.

As a privately operated walking track, your safety is important to us and as such under Health & Safety requirements a pre-departure track briefing for all walkers is compulsory, regardless of prior experience and this includes any children. Track briefings are available at our office any time between 7.30am and 5.30pm.


The price is quoted in New Zealand dollars and includes GST of 15%.  The price is based on prices at time of publishing and the Operator hereby reserves the right to modify without notice those prices in any way considered necessary.

How to Book

To secure a booking the Operator requires a completed booking form to be filled out by the client. In addition to this bookings are confirmed upon receipt of the full price and become definite from that date. The Operator reserves their right to decline any booking at their discretion.

Age Restrictions

The Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track is not recommended for children under the age of 10 years.
A child is within the age range of 10 to 14 years at the date of commencement of walk. Helipacking for at least the first sector is strongly recommended.  Any person under the age of 18years must be accompanied by an adult.


Sorry this option is not available for Guided Packages nor Events.

Bookings can be transferred to a future date, within a 12 month period, but not between people. You must give a minimum of 7 days (before your departure date) notice in writing for a transfer to apply. This will be in the form of a credit for the value of the original booking less fees, this will then be held and credited against a new booking at a future date within the valid timeframe.  The new booking will be charged at current pricing at that time and is subject to availability.  A fee of 10% of the total booking value will be charged on any booking transfer. Bookings may only be transferred once and no portion of the credit is redeemable for cash. If notice is given less than 7 days prior to departure for any circumstances, including medical, you will be required to cancel your booking.


If a client wishes to cancel a booking for any reason, including medical, the cancellation must be forwarded in writing and the following refund values will be applied:
Independent Packages or Events

  1. Prior to 8 weeks of departure date 75% of the total cost;
  2. Within 8 to 4 weeks 50% of the total cost;
  3. Within 4 weeks or less no refund will be given.

Guided Packages

  1. Prior to 8 weeks of departure date 75% of the total cost;
  2. Within 8 to 6 weeks 50% of the total cost;
  3. Within 6 weeks or less no refund will be given.

If in the very rare event the Operator needs to cancel a departure due to unforeseen circumstances or weather conditions, we will discuss options available and agree with parties concerned. Options may include: another package on the same departure date, alternative departure date, or a refund. Sorry this does not apply to events.


The Operator recommends that the client take out cancellation insurance together with all other necessary travel and medical insurances. Obtaining all necessary insurances is the responsibility of you the client and the Operator cannot be held liable for any failure on your part to get insurance.

Penalty Rates

For instances of non-valid and un-booked  access to facilities)
Failure to have a valid booking for the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track for the date(s) of use will result in penalty fees being charged in addition to the usual fee, and where there is no valid booking, Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd does not guarantee access to any facilities/services on the track. The Penalty rate is the Age rate plus the full adult fee.

Operators, Agents and Guides

Commercial Operators, Agents or Guides must contact the office as per below to make a booking. Separate terms and conditions will apply.

Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd
31 Orawia Road
Tuatapere 9620
New Zealand
Registered Charitable Entity CC41701
Phone: +64 3 226 6739 
E-Mail: [email protected]

Contact Us

Email   [email protected]
Phone:   027 390 4520 or 0800 486 774
Fax:   03 226 6074
Address:     31 Orawia Rd, Tuatapere 9620, Southland New Zealand

Opening Hours

Summer Season

25th October 2024 to 21st April 2025

Summer office hours

7:30am – 6pm, Monday – Sunday

Winter Walks – Strictly Closed

Winter office hours

9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday

Check us Out


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