It is the policy of Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd to promote good relations and conduct in the treatment of all its clients and staff. The purpose of any policy in place is to promote order, fairness, standard practice and standard conduct in the treatment of all. Where a complaint is made, steps shall be taken to verify the complaint, including discussions and informal meetings with those concerned. If necessary, Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd will appoint members of a complaints panel to investigate any serious complaint.

Complaints Procedure

Stage One - Informal Procedure

In the first instance, the complainant will be invited to express their complaint, in writing, to the Manager. The main objective is to offer a mediatory service to reach a clear understanding as to why certain decisions were made or action taken.

Where possible, all complaints will be dealt with at this stage. If necessary, however, and in cases of more serious grievances, the formal complaints procedure shall be instigated. 

Stage Two - Formal Procedure

The formal complaints procedure will take place when:

1. The work or conduct of Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd, or a member of staff, is alleged to have fallen below the required standard.

2. A case of misconduct is alleged concerning Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd's, or a member of staff's, ability to deliver the service required, or to follow the procedures set out in any guidelines.

3. A complaint is of a serious nature, or where a number of minor complaints have been made which, taken together, represents a serious breach of the services required by Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd set out in any guidelines.

It is the policy of Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd that all involved should:

  • Have the opportunity to state their case
  • Have the right at all stages to be represented or accompanied
  • Have any allegation properly investigated
  • Be notified in writing of the full details as soon as it is decided that there is a matter to investigate
  • Have no formal disciplinary penalty imposed without a hearing
  • Not have their contract terminated for a first offence except in cases of gross misconduct, gross negligence, or gross incompetence
  • Have a right of appeal against the findings of the complaints panel

Complaints Panel Procedure

  1. The complaints panel will be formed and notified of the complaint. The panel shall comprise the Manager, a director of the Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd, and a representative from the Hump Track Charitable Trust.
  2. The complaints panel will notify all individuals concerned of the allegations and that the formal procedure has begun.
  3. The complaints panel will investigate the alleged misconduct or unsatisfactory work.
  4. Arrangements shall be made for those concerned to be interviewed by a member of the complaints panel.
  5. The complaints panel will be informed of the completion of the investigation and will then meet within fifteen working days to consider the outcome of the complaint. The complaints panel shall take a majority decision with regards to subsequent action. Neither party concerned shall be present whilst this discussion takes place and the decision made.
  6. The decision made will be reported to the parties concerned within three working days.
  7. Should the parties disagree with the decision they have the right of appeal. The appeals panel shall be comprised of: a member of Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd Management staff, a director of the Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd, and a representative from the Hump Track Charitable Trust. Appeals panel members shall not already have been included in the complaints panel. The appeals panel shall consider copies of the initial investigation report, any submissions made by the appellant and notes from the complaints panel hearing. They shall meet within fifteen working days of an appeal been lodged and the appellant may attend the meeting. They may wish to interview other involved parties. Their decision will be communicated to the appellant. This decision is final.

Complaints should be addressed, in the first instance, to:

The Manager
Tuatapere Hump Track Ltd
31 Orawia Road
Tuatapere 9620
New Zealand

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +64 3 2266739